This song is called, "Desert Song" by Hillsong. It has been playing over and over in my head the last few days. I have so many people that I am close to that seem to be going through such trials right now, and it seems if it could go wrong then it will! And let's not even begin to talk about what's going on around the world... earthquakes, tsunamis, wars, unrest...
As I was reading a devotional this morning, the verse of the day was Joshua 6:16:
"The seventh time around, when the priests sounded the trumpet blast, Joshua commanded the army,‘Shout! For the LORD has given you the city!"
If you look up given in the dictionary it states:
past participle of give.
an established fact, condition, factor, etc.
God had already provided what was ahead, given is past tense. They marched around the city in faithfulness, but God was already faithful on the other side of those walls. What situation do you find yourself in today that you need to be reminded that God has already given you the answer and miracle if you just won't give up on him and keep marching around the wall? Is in your relationships? Finances? Or is it because when it rains it pours, and you can't see past the storm?
The part I love most about this song is the bridge at the very end. It says, "In all of my life, in every season, You are still God, I have a reason to sing... I have a reason to worship."
No matter what season you are in this morning give God the worship. As Pastor Bryan said a few Sundays ago, you might be marching around the wall on the sixth day today and what would happen if you gave up today and tomorrow your miracle was right there on day seven! Keep praying, keep worshiping, and keep seeking after God...
I don't think the Israelites went marching around those walls grumbling and complaining, I think they did it worshiping and rejoicing. Sometimes our worship is the only thing that can bring praise to a dark and dim situation.
Or if you're on the other side of the situation this morning and you find yourself after all the walls have came down, you've found your answer and everything is going well, don't forget to give God worship in that season too. Sometimes we only pray and seek God when things are at their worst, but I encourage you to praise Him this morning for this season as well.
I hope all of you have an incredible day, and as Rodney Atkins says, "If you're going through hell just keep on moving..." Haha, had to get that in there somewhere! Seriously though, don't give up, you're miracle and answer is coming, its already been given!
with love,
Your blog is just lovely! I wanted to pass along a friend of mine's blog...
Sharing the Pages of Life
She has recently started a 30 day devotional mail subscription. Like your post here, her messages always speak to me!
Have a great one,
thanks shannon! I really appreciate the kind words and for sharing another blog with me! have a great night!
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